Saturday, February 19, 2011

how to make eggnog latte


1/2 cup egg nog (Borden is very thick and good and Starbucks uses a local brand according to the area they are in)

1/4 cup whole milk or 2% milk. (recommend whole for frothing)

1 - 2 shots espresso or 1/4 c Espresso Roast coffee (ground and brewed strong)

a sprinkle of ground nutmeg


Combine cold egg nog with cold whole milk. Non-fat milk or soymilk can be substituted for the high-fat milk.

Steam the egg nog - milk mixture until the temperature reaches 145°F. or use stove-top and do NOT scorch. You just won’t have the foam unless you use some sort of mixer to create the foam. Hey, it works!

Egg nog heats and scalds quicker than milk, so watch your heat temperature closely.

Pull your espresso shots and place in mug or pour the 1/4 cup strong coffee in mug.

Fill the remaining room in mug with steamed egg nog mixture. Add extra eggnog foam to the top of the mug.

sprinkle with ground nutmeg.

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