Sunday, February 20, 2011

Java Chip Frappuccino® Blended Beverage

  • 4 tablespoons chocolate syrup plus extra for drizzle (optional)
  • 4 tablespoons chocolate chips
  • 4 cups double-strength freshly brewed dark roast coffee (You can add milk also for a creamier frappuccino)
  • Chopped or crushed ice
  • Whipped cream (optional)
Get your blender and fill it about halfway with ice. The ice can either crushed or chopped.

Pour the chocolate chips, chocolate syrup, and coffee (or milk for the cremé version) into the blender.

Turn on the blender at a medium to high speed. Try to get a thick, but icy, mixture.

Get four glasses and pour the mixture in them.

Spray whipped cream on top of each one. Take the chocolate syrup, (for your drizzling topping) and in a circular motion, drizzle some syrup on the whipped cream.

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